Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Clutter Must Go project~ Day 21

Wow- 21 days already:) If you have been with us since day 1, you should definitely notice a huge difference in the way your house is looking. Even if you have been with us for a few weeks, you should also notice a big difference in the rooms you have worked in. If you just started the declutter challenge, don't worry, soon you should start to see a nice wonderful difference in the way your house looks and feels.

For those just joining us and wish to declutter, jump right on in- head over here and read this first and then you will be ready to join our decluttering craziness:)

Are you ready for today's declutter challenge?

Today, you will be working in the same room you worked in yesterday, bedroom #3.   For us, this room is Christopher's room. We will be decluttering along wall #2 today:)   If you don't have a 3rd bedroom, then go back to your kitchen, walk around and make sure everything is in its place and that that you are satisfied with the way your kitchen looks. Maybe do some things you missed the first time around.

Grab your boxes and your trash bags, set your timer or turn on music, whatever works for you~ do that:) Go to the room you are currently working in, locate which wall you would like to call wall #2 today and get decluttering. Remember to get rid of at least 1 thing today- if you have more than 1 thing to get rid of or sell- hooray:) If not, 1 thing is better than nothing.

Come back this evening and see how we did with today's challenge and let me know how you did as well:)

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