Monday, April 29, 2019

Our Menu Plan for the week of 04/29/2019

It was not my intention to be gone for an entire month.  I had no clue what was in store for our family.  Without getting into too many details:  a family emergency came up and I had to fly out of state last minute.  I didn't even think to grab my laptop.  I just knew the situation was urgent and I needed to be up north.  The loss my family has suffered has turned our world upside down.  It is still so fresh in my heart and tears flow every time I think about it.  When the time is right, I will fill everyone in on what happened.  Hugs :)

For now, here is our menu plan for this week:

Choice of Muffins, Fruit, Oatmeal, cereal, waffles, pancakes or bagels

Sandwich with carrots and fruit or leftovers

Crockpot Chicken, mashed potatoes, peas and salad
Crockpot Lasagna, peas and salad
Taco with carrots and salad
Fish, rice, green beans and salad
Sushi, egg rolls and salad
Pizza, carrots and salad
Nuggets, Mac & Cheese, carrots and salad

Snacks and Desserts
Tortilla Chips with salsa
Chocolate PB Nice Cream
Rice Cakes with PB
Celery with PB and raisin