Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Homeschool Help

We are in the process of considering homeschooling 3 of our 4 children.  Christopher, our oldest wishes to remain and graduate from public school next year.  That is fine- we want whatever makes our kids happy.

Kevin was the first to come and ask if he could be homeschooled.  We had been having some issues with the school.  I have been online researching, researching and researching.  It was then that I discovered the HEAV conference.  I had talked it over with Michael and we decided to attend the free how to workshops first before investing in the conference.

The how to workshops were amazing.  They were very informative and contained alot of useful information.  I met several families also considering homeschooling their kids and wondering where in the world to begin.  After the workshops, we were able to go into the exhibit hall for free- YEA!!!!  It was huge.  Luckily, we got a lay out, so Michael and I circled the booths we definitely wanted to check out.  It was great being surrounded by other families who all share the same goal~ to educate our children.

I was so excited when I came across Crystal from moneysavingmom at her booth.  She was so nice and down to earth.  She chatted with us about our decision to homeschool and gave us some great information.  I was so excited just to meet her, let alone talk to her:)  I was floating on cloud 9- Michael laughed at me- but oh well:)  I was so happy to talk to her that I totally forgot to ask her if we could get a picture together and I forgot to bring her book to see if she would sign it- maybe next year.  I love her book so far- haven't finished it yet- still working through the decluttering part:)

Nathan seemed genuinely interested in being homeschooled.  We have talked with him about what this would mean.  He wants to give it a shot.  So, we are doing a summer homeschool to see how they would do in a homeschool setting. 

We are in day 2 and so far so good.  Even little Michael requests some cayons (as he calls them) and some paper so he can do his work- it is so cute seeing all my boys at the table doing their work.

For our summer homeschool we are utilizing the library for most of our books.  We are doing Bible study together.  Nathan is doing 2 pages from a 2nd to 3rd grade workbook I bought at Barnes and Noble.  Nathan is researching an animal for science for our vacation/field trip to the zoo in Washington DC.  He is doing math worksheets that I printed out using placement tests and an vocabulary activity each day.  He reads me a book we checked out from the library and we are learning about the Constitution- also perfect for our trip to DC.

Kevin is reading about Juneteenth and the American Patriots for history.  He is researching an animal for Science and doing math worksheets.  He is reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for English and is learning how to play guitar for music.  He is also learning about the Constitution:)

Chris, who has no interest in homeschool wanted to be included in the summer homeschool, so we is reading and researching Egyptians and tombs for history.  He also does a math worksheet and is learning to play guitar.  He is doing Independent Reading and is enjoying learning about the Constitution with the rest of us:)

So far so good and we are trying to figure out exactly when the boys want to start homeschool for real if this is something they truly want to do.  I have done a great deal of research and have come up with a curriculum that I love for Nathan and Kevin.  When I add up the prices, I about fell on the floor.  Much like I was told, homeschooling definitely costs more than public school but way less than private school.  It makes it harder that I don't know anyone here that homeschools so I feel like I am on my own- which is kind of scary.  I do have a friend who homeschools her children but she is far away.  She has been a great resource and a wealth of information:)

So, I am reaching out to you~ if you homeschool and have some friendly advice that you wish to share, I am all ears:)

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