Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cooking to stock my freezer finale:)

Well, I didn't a chance to finish filling my freezer as soon as I would like.  But I did do little by little when I had the time and now I have a full freezer.  Full of all kinds of goodies to make my life just a little bit easier:)

Today was a great day.  I had the chance to finally cut, wrap and bag the ground beef into dinner size portions. Now, all I have to do is grab a section, unwrap the foil and defrost in the microwave and use it in whatever dish I have planned for that evening.  I was able to bag up the huge can of tomato sauce into 3 (4) cup portions and 1 (2) cup portion.  And I finally got the opportunity to freeze equal amounts of beans and rice into zip baggies for bean and rice taco nights.  Didn't get a chance to make extra tortillas to freeze but had some in the refrigerator for tonight's dinner.

Here is what I did today:

Tonight dinner was a breeze.  I took out a baggie of beans and rice from the freezer and defrosted it in the microwave for a few minutes.  I cooked the frozen corn on the stove.  Once the beans and rice were unfrozen, I stirred in some taco seasoning.  Within 20 minutes, dinner was fully cooked and on the plates ready to eat.  Nice and easy- love it.

Having premade breakfasts have been so helpful this week, as yesterday was the first day of school.  And as I mentioned, dinner was fast and yummy.  I had time to help Nathan with his homework while dinner was cooking:)

How did you do with your freezer cooking days?

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