Monday, August 12, 2013

Menu Plan for the week of 08/12/2013

Well Hello :)  I know it has been some time since the last time I blogged here.  Most of you know that my hubby and I flew down to Florida to go house hunting last week.  My intent was to blog when I got the chance while we were down there.  Well, as you can see- that just did not happen.  We were so busy looking at houses and apartments.  By the time we got back to the hotel, we were so exhausted that all we wanted to do was go to bed.  The week flew by so fast but we did enjoy the little free time we had and it was nice just to get away just the two of us:)  But, I will fill you in on all the details later.

Here is the menu plan for this week:

Homemade Yogurt with oats, raisins and honey X2
Pancakes X2
Baked Oatmeal  with apple X2
Strawberry & Cream Cheese muffins

Sandwich, carrots and popcorn
Salad with homemade ranch dressing and a banana for me

Lasagna casserole with corn
Lentil burgers with fruit
Chicken and stuffing with green beans and rolls
Spaghetti with corn
Corn Dog muffins with fruit
Minestrone Soup

Snacks and desserts
Snicker doodle cookies

What yummy dishes do you have planned for your family this week?

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