Wednesday, January 29, 2014

One of those days.....

Have you had one of those days?  That day when you are zooming around feeling like a chicken with it's head cut off.  That day when you are sleep deprived and so much needs to get done.  That day when you fix one thing for breakfast only for your kids to want something else.  That day when you realize that you forgot to make bread the night before.

I could go on and on.

I had one of those days over the weekend.  2 of our younger boys were sick.  Poor Nathan had a temp of 104.  But still had an appetite.  Little Michael was sick also and had decided not to go to bed until 12:30 pm, so I finally crawled into my own bed at 1am only to get woken up by Nathan bright and early in the morning- yay!!

I was fixing much needed coffee- even though I only drink decaf so it really doesn't help much with the waking up part:)  I looked in the fridge and found pancakes.  Hooray for pancakes.  Only Nathan didn't want pancakes, he wanted Laura's Pumpkin Muffins.  I didn't have any more pumpkin left.  So, he decided that banana bread muffins would work just fine.  Muffins it is.  I get everything out to make muffins and then realize that I forgot to bread the night before- ahhhhhhhhh.  What were we going to do about lunch?  Oh wait, I still have to make breakfast for Nathan.

I get everything out to make banana bread muffins, whipped them up and put them in the oven to bake.  Now to tackle the bread while the muffins are baking.  Oh wait, Nathan is super hungry and just cannot wait for the muffins to be done baking.  He asks for a pancake:)  I just smile.  Pancake coming right up.

Ok, now back to the bread making.  I put everything in the bowl and go to town mixing.  My hands are all gooey and little Michael is now awake asking for a pancake for breakfast.  Rinse hands off and fix pancake.  Now time for bread to rise for 1 hour.  Muffins are baking so putting the bread in the oven to rise is out of the question.  Put a tea towel over it and let it sit for 1 hour.

I look at the timer to see how much time is left on the muffins.  One problem, timer isn't on- oh my.  Sprint to the oven to rescue the muffins.  A little on the dark side not to bad.  Nathan said his muffin was hard.  I replied that it was crispy.  If it had been fried chicken all would be well:)

Set timer for bread:)

1 hour up- bread hasn't risen.  Oh well, time to roll and put in 2 loaf pans.  Done.  Now time for it to sit for 30 minutes to rise.  Oven still too hot.  Keep on counter with tea towel over it.

30 minutes later- go to check.  It looks like it had risen a little- good enough for me:)  I set the oven for 350 degrees.  I blame the slow rise on the cooler than normal kitchen.

Bread in oven for 20 minutes.  BEEP- Bread is done.  These loaves look horrible.  They didn't rise at all.  I guess we are having little sandwiches for lunch.  Let them set 10 minutes then put the bread on cookie sheets to rest.

Lunch time- bread cooled and ready to be cut.  I pick up the bread only to realize that it is hard as a brick.  It could have been used as a brick.  I killed my bread- oh no.  I cannot for the life of figure out what went wrong.
This picture doesn't do my poor bread justice.  They looked awful :(

I sent hubby up the street to Dollar General to pick up a loaf of bread.  And then it hit me, I know where I went wrong.  With everything going on, I forgot to add the yeast- oops :)

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