Thursday, April 20, 2017

2 week Challenge Update for April 2017

For April's 30 Day Challenge, I challenged myself to give up junk food.  I knew it was going to be a hard challenge for me.

How has my challenge been going?

The first day, I was so determined.  I ate no junk food all day.  I felt great. 

That is until, I was looking for something in the pantry for dinner the next evening and came face to face with a 1/4 bag of dark chocolate chips.  I talked myself into having only 1 small handful.  That was it.  No more.

Next day, I told myself that I could allow myself 1 handful of chocolate chips like I did the day before and then have no more for the remainder of the day.  No biggie.  I could do this.  Yea, that didn't work.  I ate the rest of the bag.  But now they are out of the house.  No more chocolate chips tempting me :)

Next day while looking for something in one of the kitchen cabinets, what do I spy?  Cookies and leftover Smores supplies from our camping trip.  Oh my.  First the chocolate disappeared, then the marshmallows followed by the cookies- Mmmmm.  I was so sick that day :(  Well, that is what I get for binging on sweets.

Now, I am getting frustrated that I keep finding junk in the house.  I look everywhere.  I think I have eaten it all.  I should be safe now.

The 2nd week into my failing 30 day challenge, I was determined to take it day by day.  The first day, I had super strong chocolate cravings.  I knew there had to be something I could make that would satisfy my sweet cravings without ruining my whole week.

I found a recipe for guilt free brownies- hmmmm.  They are made with avocados.  I had to give it a try.  Super simple ingredients~ I used avocado, coconut oil, peanut butter, eggs, vanilla, a tiny amount of coconut flour, baking soda and salt.  They smelled and rose just like real brownies.  But how did they taste?

They are so not sweet at all.  They are more of a rich super dark chocolate.  I like it.  It is a great substitute for chocolate cravings.  I only ate them for dessert and I limited myself to 1 brownie per evening.

I will take this week as a win :)

Let's hope I can keep this going.  I knew this was going to be rough :)

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