Tuesday, December 4, 2012

4 weeks to a More Organized Home series~ Day 17 Results

How did your day go today?  How did you do with Crystal's assignment for today?

Little Michael wasn't feeling so great this morning so  he didn't eat much breakfast.  At 11am, the poor thing was starving, so we had an early lunch.  Followed by a much needed nap for both of us.  He seems to be feeling better, he is acting much like his silly self.  Unfortunately, his poor tummy seems to be upset.  I hope this doesn't keep him up all night :(

Here is how we did with today's assignment:

Today's assignment was to:

Get dressed in something that makes you feel great~ Done

Sit down with a cup of coffee or tea and refer to your weekly goals list and make a list of no more than 5-7 specific things you want to accomplish today
My weekly goals for this week:
Pay bills
~ Done
Homeschool~ Ongoing
Read to little Michael before nap and bedtime~ Ongoing
Make baked oatmeal, pancakes, syrup, yogurt, carrots and cookies~ Made baked oatmeal and chocolate chip cookies
Get LV decluttered one section at a time~ Got one section done:)
Get under cabinet under sink painted
Start working on Christmas gifts
Walk at least 2 miles for 5 days this week~ Ran for 30 minutes and walked on treadmill for 2 miles
Order table for event
Get caught up on the never ending laundry pile~ Got 2 loads of clothes washed and hung out

Set the timer for 15 minutes and do a quick clean of your bathroom~ Did a very very quick clean of both bathrooms

Clean out and reorganize at least 1 or 2 of your messiest kitchen cupboards. If you have time clean and organize your pantry, if you have one~ I need to do this and it has been put on my to do list

How did you do with your assignment for today?  Post below and let me know:) 

See you tomorrow morning for another 4 weeks to a More Organized Home assignment.

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