Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Our Saturday Family Fun

I had it all planned out in advance.  Instead of picnicking at the park, we were going to eat lunch at the house and then head over to Manatee Park to see if the manatees are here yet.  We went over too late last year and missed them before they swam back up north.

At least that is what I had hoped to happen.  But those that know me, know that things don't always go as planned :)

This detour was a happy one :)

Our oldest son, Chris has been looking for a job since we moved to Florida, over a year ago.  More leisurely that we would have liked but he was looking.  He has applied all over Cape Coral and so far no one has called him back.

On Thursday morning, the phone rang and it was the manager at McDonald's looking to speak to Chris.  I woke him up and told him that McDonald's was on the phone and tossed him the phone and hoped for the best.  Next thing I know, Chris is asking me what time would be best for an interview.  We chatted back and forth and it was set~ Chris had a job interview at 10:30 that morning.

I took him to what seemed like the longest interview ever.  But it must had gone well, they offered him a job right them and there.  Orientation~ the next day.

Instead of going to Manatee Park for a field trip, we had to go and get haircuts.  Chris really needed one but then so did Michael and Nathan.  After we took everyone home, Chris and I headed out to pick up some work shoes.  Oh boy, that was fun- not really.  After about an hour, he finally decided on the work shoes he liked and could afford.  It is funny, if I had of paid for his shoes, he would have picked a more expensive pair.  Since he paid for his own shoes, he ended up picking a pair that were comfortable but not really the style he wanted but he could afford :)  He figured he would wear these shoes and save up for the ones he really, really wants.

If shoe shopping wasn't enough, we went by the bank to get him set up for his very first checking account.  Sniff, sniff, my baby is growing up.  Setting up a checking account and making sure he knew everything he needed to know, took longer than shoe shopping.  By this time, I am exhausted and we headed home.  I also forgot that Kevin and I got up super early to head out to the Farmer's Market.  It was a loooong day :)

Chris has been counting down the days he has left before he goes to work.  He is so happy to finally be employed and so nervous.  He was nervous for his interview and nervous for orientation.  It has hit him today that he goes in for his first day of work tomorrow and the nerves have set in again.

We are so proud of Chris and know that he will do fine on his first day at his first job. 

Even though we didn't get to go on a Saturday Family Fun field trip, I got to spend Saturday with my oldest son.  That doesn't happen as often as I would like :)  Chris and I had our own Saturday Fun shopping, haircut and banking day :)

I can't wait to see how he enjoys his first day of work tomorrow.  Hopefully, I can get some pictures and will post them :)

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