Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Sorry for the blogging absence- we had a family situation.  Our oldest son was visiting his father and passed out and had to be taken the ER.  He is fine- they said that he had a nasty virus and since he came in with a fever he was probably dehydrated.  He is feeling much better well at least he was.  Two days after his ER visit he was helping me by taking the clothes off the line outside.  He ran inside and said he had been stung by something- he didn't get a good look at the creature that stung him.  He seemed fine and even went to school the next day.  His arm was still red from getting stung but nothing out of the ordinary... that is until he told me 2 days later that his arm was looking worse.  I looked at him- his arm still swollen, really red and warm to the touch.  We couldn't make a doctors appointment until Friday- Chris needed to go to school Thursday as it was the last day of welding and he didn't want to miss that.  So, we take him to the doctors and the doc said that Chris was indeed having a reaction to the sting and put him on an antibiotic, which seems to be working nicely.  His arm looks 10 times better and is looking better every day.  Chris definitely had himself a rough week.  I look forward to getting back to blogging and catching up:) 

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