Thursday, July 1, 2021

Our Shopping Trip~ 06/26/2021

Our 5th and final shopping trip for the month of June :)

Here is what we purchased:

Sam's Club
$4.76- Romaine Salad Mix

$0.92- Tortilla chips
$1.29- Kettle chips
$3.29- Apples
$3.49- Blueberries
$1.79- Almond Milk
$0.68- Mac N Cheese
$1.79- Coffee creamer
$3.79- Meatballs
$5.07- Block cheese
$2.99- Salami
$3.78- Ground turkey
$28.88- Total

$7.52- Frozen veggies
$2.08- Almond cereal
$2.94- Shampoo
$1.00- Penne pasta
$3.32- Muffin mix
$1.00- Floss
$1.98- Pecan cranberry
$3.12- Poppyseed dressing
$2.68- Chipotle dressing
$2.56- Eggs
$2.07- Bananas
$30.53- Total

This trip will be included in our June Spending Post~ where we document what we spend for the month :)

1 comment:

  1. Grand I told about my difficulties now that is why am bothering u every day about this because am running out of time
