Wednesday, March 13, 2019

2019 Word for this Year

I keep hearing everyone talk about their Word for this Year.

I know I'm late~ We are 3 months into 2019.

But that is OK~ better late than never~ right??

My word for this year is Declutter.  We did an awesome job purging when we moved.  I haven't gone to any garage sales and we do a pretty good job of not bringing a ton of stuff into our home.  At least, I thought so.

I accidentally stumbled on and have become inspired by Dawn at The Minimal Mom over on YouTube :)  She has inspired me to take a good hard look at my house.  All the stuff we have, but do we "need" it all??

I can't help but think the less we own, the less we have to clean or put away~ hmmmmm :)

And don't get me started on the stuff we own that we haven't used or touched in years :(  One area that comes to mind is the boy's closet.  The boys don't go in their closet or even open it for that matter.  All the toys and games that are currently sitting in their jammed packed closet haven't been played with for the almost 5 years we have lived in this house.

Now, I am becoming super motivated.  I want to do so much but have easily become discouraged when I take it all in.  I find distractions and suddenly the project I had such great intentions for gets thrown to the back burner and never done :(

Instead of jumping into a huge project that has no end in sight.  I started in an easier place~ my bathroom.  It only took a couple of days to tackle.  The amount of lotions, hair care, body wash, etc that I have accumulated could last our family well into the future.  I had a ledge in my shower full of body washes that I didn't even like or had a reaction to.  Why in the world would I keep things I never intend on even using?  In the trash it went.  Wait, this kind of feels good :)  Purging unwanted items :)

I made a care package for my grown sons and gave some away to friends.  The only things in my bathroom are things that my family will actually use.

I have made the decision that as much as I love couponing, it is not doing my family any good to buy products that we end up not using.  I have decided to scale back on my couponing and use what we currently have.  My stockpile ended up running way over.

Did you come up with your word for 2019??  I would love to hear what you decided your word for this year would be :)

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