Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Our Menu Plan for the week of 05/09/2021

How was your weekend?

We had another "exciting" weekend :)

Actually it all started last week :)  As many of you know, we have a son in the Air Force that is stationed many states away from us.  I can finally share that he is being transferred to Florida~ YAY!!!!  Not the Air Force base we had hoped for but we are finally in the same state- I'll take it :)

My heart is so happy and full.  I had all my boys under the same roof on Mother's Day :)

The puppy is doing well.  The cats are starting to warm up to the fact that he is not going away.  With all the excitement a new puppy brings, I managed to hurt my wrist and had to wear a super fashionable wrist brace.  Today is the first day I can write and type without my wrist hurting :)

Never a dull moment here :)

Here is our menu plan for this week:

Choice of Muffins, Fruit, Oatmeal, cereal, waffles, pancakes or bagels

Sandwich with carrots and fruit or leftovers

Mothers Day dinner out
Meatloaf, mashed potatoes, green beans and salad
Taco with carrots and salad
Honey Mustard Chicken with potatoes, broccoli and salad
Shredded BBQ Chicken on buns with carrots and potatoes
Homemade pizza with salad
Chili dogs with carrots and salad

Snacks and Desserts
Tortilla Chips with salsa
Chocolate PB Nice Cream
Rice Cakes with PB
Protein Energy balls

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