Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Shopping Day~ 05/13/2013

Yesterday's Shopping Day was a breeze since we bought a bulk of our groceries last week.  Plus, we are crazy busy this week getting everything ready for our big huge yard sale this Saturday:) 

Here are the details of our shopping day:

Rite Aid
$3.99- Dry Idea deodorant
$0.00- Dry Idea deodorant
-3.99 Free Dry Idea cpn
$0.20 Total after tax

$1.50- (5) lbs potatoes
$1.50- (5) lbs potatoes
$3.08- Total after tax

$1.96- Frozen veggies
$2.32- Lunchmeat
$1.62- Chocolate chips
$10.12- (4) gallons skim milk
$1.25- Bananas
$17.70- Total after tax

This shopping trip has been added to our May Monthly Spending post, where I keep track of what we spend for the month of May.


  1. i love garage sales- too bad i cant come...good luck though..

    just wanted to say hello there...and 4 galloons of milk-what are you doing with all that and where do you store it :) thats alot

    1. That would be a super long drive- LOL:) We buy 4 gallons of milk every week. With 4 boys- 2 of them bottomless pit teenagers and 2 younger, we can go through 4 gallons of milk each week easy:) And it fits in my fridge, it takes up half a shelf. Take care :)
