As some of you may know, I am a BzzAgent. Not sure what that is- don't worry I will explain. A BzzAgent is a person who receives products and services to review. And best of all- it is free to sign up. BzzAgent sends products from major companies for us BzzAgents to test out and help spread the word with others. Interested in becoming a BzzAgent, go here, read what it all about and sign up if you would like to.
For this campaign, I was sent a coupon for a free package of diapers or training pants, container of baby wipes, a package of sippy cups and coupons to share with others. I got training pants as we are in the midst of potty training. Comforts for Baby is a line of baby products specifically sold by Kroger stores and affiliates.
Here are my thoughts about the Comfort by Baby products I received to review:
Comforts for Baby Training Pants:
They have a cute design and stars that disappear when the training pant becomes wet. They are very absorbent and worked well over night. The price is very comparable to Walmarts store brand of diapers. Unfortunately, they had a very scratchy feel and not at all soft. They crinkled when my little man walked around. Not a huge fan of the training pants.
Comforts for Baby baby wipes:
I am in love with these baby wipes. They were not too wet and not too dry- they had the just right about of wetness to them. They were also thick, making cleaning a stinky hiney easier. The price for these baby wipes are very nice and cost just about the same as Walmart's store brand of baby wipes. Overall, I love these wipes and will be switching from the Walmart store brand to Comforts for Baby baby wipes.
Comforts for Baby sippy cups:
Unfortunately, I was unable to test these out. My little one refuses to drink from a sippy cup- he never has used one. I meant to give these to my 1 year old niece to test out but forgot to bring them with me. So, I am unable to give an accurate review of the sippy cups.
Want to learn more about the Comfort for Baby line or where you can find them, visit their website for more information.
**While I was provided these products free of charge from BzzAgent, these reviews are my honest opinions on these products**
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